Chrome Wolf Treat
Published on 2019-03-23 00:13:27
You find Lonely Wolf Treat cute? You want Treat, Mochi, Moxie, AND Trick to stare you down while you do the most menial of tasks? Well, it's not as creepy as it sounds! In fact, it's so cute you're bound to squeal in delight like I did. So have a cutie-induced heart attack with this theme! You're bound to have a gay ol' time! (Double meanings are fun.) **DISCLAIMER** Lonely Wolf Treat is NOT my intellectual property. All artwork of the characters belong to NomNomNami, A.K.A Nami Tsuki. Please play the visual novel series! It's cute, short, sweet, and doesn't cost a cent to experience.
Lonely Wolf Treat
Nami Tsuki
Friendly Bunny Mochi
Clever Fox Moxie
Wandering Wolf Trick