As seen in Meet the Pyro, Pyroland is a stark contrast to the dark, deserted desert locations in Team Fortress such as Badlands. Instead of run-down desert towns, Pyroland appears as an even more cartoonish, brightly colorful land with big flowery meadows, a very light blue sky with giant, pudgy kittens, puppies, and hamsters floating around, giant lollipops and candy sprouting out of the ground, and a little town full of candy shops and party decorations. The song "Do You Believe In Magic" by The Lovin' Spoonful plays in the background. Through the Pyro's insane mind, the BLU team are seen as little winged babies, or Cherubs, having their normal heads on chubby diapered bodies. They gleefully coo and giggle at Pyro's seemingly innocent antics, when in reality they are being brutally hunted and killed- for example, in Pyroland, the Pyro blows bubbles at the Scout-baby, making him laugh and swat at the bubbles, while the real Scout is actually being hit in the face with a Scorch Shot flare. In both Pyroland and reality, the Pyro keeps an air of carefree, happy-go-lucky cheerfulness. It is also discovered in Ring of Fired that fire is mostly the source of the bright colors and scenery for Pyroland; without it, the Pyro views Pyroland in a more grey, muffled, dull, and bland perspective, yet, still above average cartoonish