Crash & Bernstein
Published on 2019-11-21 14:52:41
Yo, I'ma let you finish but~ DING DONG! Who's that!? Yo, It's Crash at the Door! Don't Wait for you to open, kick it down Hardcore! I'm purple with a 'tude, where your mom hide the food? In the Fridge, I'ma eat it, then we tear it up, dude! No makeup or Feeling, Tea Parties or Dolls; Now it's ninjas and football and face slam good call! Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bernstein, what he said. Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bernstein, what he said. It's war against awesome but awesome's gotta sword! I'll be grounded forever. That's what friends are for! Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bernstein, Crash & Bern--I said stein, what he said.