Full On HongKong Liberation Goddess Head HongKong Independence Party
HKIP = #滅絕共黨永不超生 #驅逐共匪光復香港 #香港独立 Expel the CCP Bandits, Liberate HongKong HKIP = end Communism & Marxism ANTIFA on HongKong land and Worldwide? = 0 Communism & Marxism ANTIFA now https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/suspend-hk-policy-act-frozen-all-hk-ccp-foreign-reserves-and-assets-which-are-accounted-usd-suspend-all-money-0 https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/hongkong-independence-party-aka-real-hk-peoples-future-gov-requests-us-nato-invade-military-base-hk-ground https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/real-racketeering-transnational-criminal-organisation-ccp-100-overseas-kids-white-gloves-global-magnitsky-act https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/anyone-can-kill-ccp-ccp-overseas-kids-ccp-business-because-ccp-terrorist-group-without-jurisdiction-restrictions-0 Reiteration of Hong Kong Independence Party FIVE AGENDAS: (1) Annulment of British-Sino Joint Declaration and Hong Kong Act (2) Exercise Treaty of Nanking, Convention of Peking and The Second Convention of Peking NOW (3) NATO military base in HK (4) ChiNazi GET OUT of Hong Kong (5) WE have to be an INDEPENDENT COMMONWEALTH NATION Hongkongers are not Mainland Chinese NMSLee. HongKonger share the same Value as USA= Democracy + Human Right + Freedom of Speech forever. HongKonger knows ThanksGiving. HKers are NOT BEGGARS for any of foreign country’s citizenship. We want our Homeland Independence + Peace Relax. The Root of the Problem is our Sovereignty. Without Sovereignty, cannot uphold any Democracy. Just like Israel + Switzerland + USA. HongKong since History is Dreamland for Freedom Seeker + Whole New World for Refugee. Hong Kong Independence Party (HKIP) is a non-profit organisation formed in 2014 by Hong Kong expatriates now residing in the EU. It was formally registered as a political party in the United Kingdom in February 2015. HKIP’s main aim is to support the people of Hong Kong in their struggle for self-determination, awakening them to the importance of safe-guarding their unique identity as a national group and helping them in the process of nation-building and returning to the British Commonwealth. Ever since the UK relinquished British rule in Hong Kong in 1997, China has employed various measures to undermine the autonomy promised to Hong Kong in the Sino-British Joint Declaration, reducing Hongkongers to second-class citizens in their own land. Such measures include moving large numbers of Chinese nationals into Hong Kong, filling key posts in the Hong Kong Government with its own people and engaging in huge and unnecessary infrastructural projects to deplete the financial reserves built up during British rule. HKIP hopes to draw the world’s attention to the way China has turned its back on the Sino-British Joint Declaration on Hong Kong and how it is undermining Hong Kong’s core values and way of life on a daily basis. We support the people of Hong Kong, as a distinct national group, to seek self-determination and return to the fold of the British Commonwealth. 香港獨立黨,於2014年由曾經居住香港的歐洲公民成立,並於2015年二月正式註冊為英國政黨。HKIP目標係喚醒香港民族,重拾民族尊嚴,重歸英聯邦,成為獨立國家。 自1997年香港被中國侵佔後,便成為其殖民地。借助各種殖民手段,包括每日至少被強制接收殖民150人,巧立名目以各種簽證讓數以十萬計的中國人殖民香 港;現在甚至借多項無實際效用的高昂基礎建設企圖淘空由香港人在英治時代以血汗換來的龐大儲備。這些殖民手段根本完全違反《英中聯合聲明》。 HKIP的成立乃推動國際關注中國完全違反《聯合聲明》的各種殖民行為,支持香港民族獨立,脫離中國殖民統治,重返英聯邦,走上獨立建國之路。 香港独立党は、ヨーロッパに住んでいる香港の人々によって、2014年につくられました。2015年2月に、それはイギリスの政党として登録されました。我々の主な目的は民族自決のための彼らの争いにおいて香港の人々を支えることです。そして、ナショナルグループとして彼ら自身のアイデンティティを守るよう訴え、国づくりで彼らを助け、そしてイギリス連邦に戻ります。 香港独立党は、中国が香港でほごにした約束について世界の注意をひくことを望んでいます。私たちは、独立を求め、イギリス連邦に戻る香港の人々を支えます。