Nick Jr. on CBS
Nick Jr. on CBS was a Saturday morning children's programming block on CBS that began on September 16, 2000, replacing CBS This Saturday morning block presented programming from Nick Jr., which at the time shared common ownership with CBS under Viacom. When the block first properly aired, it was hosted by Face from Nick Jr. On September 14, 2002, Nick Jr. on CBS was re-branded as Nick on CBS, and airing both Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. shows. The Nickelodeon shows were removed in 2004 in favor for a return to an exclusively-Nick Jr. block. The block's continuity was provided by segments featuring Piper O'Possum. At the beginning of New Year's Eve 2005, Viacom was split into two different companies, with CBS Corporation becoming its own standalone company and Nickelodeon going to the new Viacom. Nick Jr. on CBS ended on September 9, 2006