Ashley Pinup 3 Alt 1 (SFW)

Published on 2025-03-17 19:14:52

“Ashley, I’m back!” you call as you enter the modest motel room. You close the door behind you, toss your keys on a table, and slip a package out of view just as your Blaziken rounds the corner. Ashley stands there, tall, curvy, and beautiful as ever. She greets you with a warm smile; her blue eyes delighted to see you but clouded by a hint of concern. “Master, welcome back… so soon though. How was your date?” You sigh and scratch your head sheepishly. “Well… I’m not sure… bad maybe… yeah, let’s go with bad.” Ashley’s face falls in disappointment. “Oh no Master, I’m very sorry to hear. She seemed like such a nice girl. What went wrong may I ask?” You kick your shoes off by the door and shrug. “We just… weren’t a good match. No real connection ya know?” Your Blaziken’s eyes widen in eagerness, prompting you for more details. “Ok, we had dinner at this Pokemon themed café, one of my favorites, but she acted like she hated the place. Then she talked almost the whole time about nothing, and whenever I tried to say something, she got this bored look on her face. By the time desert got there I knew it wasn’t going to work. We barely said goodbye afterward.” Ashley somehow looks much more crestfallen than you feel, as if it was her date that bombed instead of yours. “Oh Master, this is terrible.” “It’s not all that bad,” you insist nonchalantly. “I’m only out a few Poke-dollars and half an evening, not the end of the world.” “But another prospective mate has been turned down,” Ashley laments. “I just don’t understand it Master. You’re such a fine young man, yet you have abysmal luck with human females.” You chuckle at your Pokemon’s observations. “Yeah, love be like that sometimes. Oh well, guess I’d better stick to Pokemon partners, it’s the only area I’m good at.” You flop onto the room’s tiny sofa and prop your feet up, unbothered by the situation. Ashley walks over to sit down daintily next to you, still looking worried. “This is no joking matter; it pains me to hear when your dates fail…” “Because you’re the one pushing me to go on them,” you point out with an accusing smirk. “I’m only trying to help you master.” “It feels like I’m some wealthy prince that you’re trying to marry off as quick as you can,” you respond with another laugh. “Just chill out girl, don’t rush these things.” Your Blaziken places a claw lovingly on your leg and leans forward slightly. “Well… you are like a prince to me… but I just don’t think you should go through life alone.” You lean toward your Pokemon and stroke the side of her face gently. “But I’m not alone… I have you sweetie. What can those other human girls offer me that you can’t?” “Marriage, a family, socially acceptable companionship, a kiss in public without garnering weird stares,” Ashely fires off quickly as though she’d recited the list before. “All minor details,” you reply rolling your eyes. “Minor details!” she squawks indignantly. “For sure!” you insist now with a sly smile. “Weird looks don’t bother me anymore.” You give her a quick kiss on the beak. “Our companionship doesn’t have to be social or acceptable,” You give her thigh a light squeeze. “We can always adopt to make a family.” You run a finger through her long smooth hair. “And I’ll bet you’d look dashing in a wedding dress.” Ashley purses her beak and jumps up from the couch. She spins around trying to appear mad, but you still notice how much redder her face was, how your tender words touched her. “Forgive me for being the responsible one here, but I still think you’d be better off with a human mate of your own. You know that I… I adore you and love your affection Master… but I shan’t be selfish by keeping you to myself. It’s my duty to look after your best interests… even when you’re being stubbornly uncooperative. I’m thinking long term here and…” You try to listen to Ashley’s scolding, but her words begin to fade into the background noise as you fixate on something new. Sitting on the couch, while your Pokemon stands back turned to you, places her large round butt directly at eye level. You feel your pants become slightly uncomfortable and your brain starts tossing out unimportant thoughts as those two huge, jiggling mounds fill your field of vision. Ashley’s hips sway slightly back and forth while she talks, causing her soft cheeks to shift against each other; like two scarlet pillows fighting for high ground, with her dancing tail wedges firmly between. “Master are you even listening?” your Blaziken’s voice (combined with her turning around) snaps you out of your trance. You give yourself a shake before answering. “Look girl, I appreciate you looking after me; really I do. It’s touching that my favorite Pokemon would care this much about my love life, but you’re being too serious about this.” “Well… perhaps I am,” she mutters yielding slightly under your assuring tone. “But it would make me happy to see you with a family someday.” “And what about you?” you ask. “What if I tried to hook you up with a mate? Maybe find a nice male Blaziken somewhere… or a Machamp if you’re more into that…” Ashley looks aghast at your suggestion. “Certainly not Master! I belong only to you!” You let out a laugh. “HA! My thoughts exactly!” Ashley shakes her head in defeat, having been caught in her own hypocrisy. “Humans and Pokemon are not the same Master… but I can see you are incorrigible tonight. I’ll abandon the subject for now.” Ashley begins to walk away but you beckon her to stay. “Oh no you don’t, I’m not done with you. I sat through your pampering (if it can be called that), now you have to sit through mine.” You reach behind the sofa where you hid your package and pull it out. “I was planning on giving this to my date… but since that didn’t work out, I’ll give it to you instead.” You bow gallantly and hold up a beautiful bouquet of red and gold flowers. “To the only girl still in my life, and a much more lovely and deserving one.” Ashley’s face breaks out into a surprised and elated smile. “Master! These are beautiful! And what a pleasant aroma!” she receives the gift and cradles it with care, and then passes you a suspicious glance. “The colors are awfully familiar… are you sure you intended to give these to your date?” “Well sure I did,” you insist trying not to sound false. “Because um… if any girlfriend of mine doesn’t like red and yellow colors, they we’d have big issues now wouldn’t we?” Ashley giggles and gently sets the flowers aside, then holds out her arms. “Ok Master, you win, I can’t resist your charm tonight.” The next moment you and your Pokemon are wrapped in a loving embrace. Your head lying against her soft neck fluff, just above her modest breasts. Her own arms around you, pressing you in close. You run your hands down her back and feel her firm yet springy pelt ripple against an affectionate stroking. Every time you hold your Pokemon in your arms, she glows with radiant warmth, a dead giveaway of how much she adores you. “I love you Master,” she whispers tenderly in your ear. “That’s why I fret so much over you.” “I know, and thank you girl,” you respond. “Maybe some day I’ll find a human to be my wife… or maybe not… but regardless, I want to cherish every moment I have with you… while it’s just us.” Ashley hums in happy agreement. “Hey Ashley?” “Hmm, yes Master?” “I didn’t really want to go on that date, but I did anyways because you asked me to.” “I appreciate that Master.” “… that means I was a good boy, wasn’t I?” “… yes I suppose you were.” “And good boys deserve to be rewarded.” “Hmm… I suppose so. I’m afraid to ask… but what is it that you want?” You reach around both hands to Ashley’s voluptuous backside and grab as much of her soft bare butt as you can hold. She gives a squawk of surprise at your sudden groping. “I want this,” you state simply.” “I… I see… you are in one of those moods again?” “Can’t you feel me?” “I thought that might be your wallet poking me.” “My wallet is on the table.” “Indeed… then you do have it quite bad.” “Come on girl, let’s go make a wreck of that bed together. The date didn’t work out, so you’re all I have tonight… and luckily, you’re all I want.” You reach up on tip toes and plant a kiss right on her curved beak. She returns your kiss by nuzzling the top of your head. “It was thoughtful of you to word it like that Master.” “Like what?” “Like I’m the one doing you a favor,” she explains, her body growing hotter with each moment. “It’s hard to act responsible and selfless all the time… when the truth is that I really desire you too.” In a flash you and Ashley are in the bedroom, your clothes half slid off, half ripped off in the frenzy of horny movements. Your Pokemon sits on the end of the bed, right at the edge, and pulls you in close. Standing she’s normally a head taller than you, but this way you can be a bit taller than her. “Do you mind doing this first?” she asks shyly. “Afterward I’ll do whatever you want.” “Of course my love,” you answer gladly. You press yourself against her while she holds you close, her arms wrapped around your waist, and her head nuzzled against your chest below your chin. From this heigh you can cradle her head and stroke the long fins on the sides of her face; a somewhat tender spot for Blazikens you learned long ago. This was Ashley’s treat; a rare moment of closeness where she gets to be held and caressed by her usually shorter master, instead of always being the larger one doing the holding. “Mmm, you smell so good master… your male pheromones are intoxicating.” “I wish I had a Pokemon’s sense of smell, I’ll bet you put off an amazing scent too.” “That’s ok, I can use other methods. Humans are quite easy to arouse.” Ashley begins to slide her torso up and down against you. Sitting down, her chest is right about the same height as your crotch, letting you feel her fluffy chest feathers and soft breasts with magnified sensitivity! You close your eyes and grab her shoulders to guide her grinding. Then after a few moments of bliss, she stoops down even lower to give you a few choice licks with her long tongue. “Whoa girl! Ok, lets pause there. Don’t wanna overdo it!” Ashley smiles up at you with your rock-hard member perched against her nose. “Of course Master. I forgot you don’t have much endurance. What would you like to do next?” “Not much endurance eh? Alright then you naughty chicken, get on the bed, let’s see how long you can last.” Your Blaziken does as she’s bid and lies down on the bed face down. She grabs one of the motel pillows and hugs it dearly, then she twists her torso until her massive butt is posed toward you, begging for affection. Glancing back at you she mumbles into the pillow that she’s ready. The low lamp light in the room is just enough to light up her beautiful scarlet complexion, and her long blonde hair shines like a wheat field in the morning sun. You lie down near her large rear, until the entire room is blocked out by round crimson cheeks, sparkling with a subtle amount of sweat. Deep in the crevice between her thick thighs you can see her puffy crotch and womanly slit glistening with anticipation. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you grab two handfuls of ass, and dive headfirst in! Ashley gives a series of muffled chirps and hugs her pillow tighter as you nuzzle into her butt. Your hands go wild groping and squeezing and kneading each mound while your face finds a very comfortable place in-between. Such complete warmth and softness, from all sides, you’d stay here for days if you could! After a lot of rump ravishing, and a bit more digging, you find her damp pussy and give it lick. Your Pokemon lets out a cry of surprised pleasure and involuntarily tenses up her legs. Blaziken were renown for having strong legs and your girl was no exception. For a brief instant her thick thighs squeeze in on either side of your head, magnifying the warmth softness… but also coming a bit close to crushing your skull! You quickly surface from your deep dive into her butt pillow and gasp for breath. “I’m sorry Master, I hope I didn’t hurt you!” But you ease her worry with a light-hearted chuckle (albeit while massaging your jaw). “You’re fine sweetie, I was having too much fun back there… now I’m ready for the next part.” Proving her close bond to her human trainer, Ashley correctly guesses what ‘the next part’ is, and spreads her large muscular thighs, revealing a clear shot to her womanly openings. “Here I am Master… please use me to your heart’s content.” You climb forward and mount her soft but firm body, resting your shaft against her slit. Lying on top of her like this, you aren’t tall enough to kiss her face, so you reach up and stroke the side of her crowned head with your fingers, trying to convey as much affection as possible. “I don’t like that wording dear… use you. You aren’t some toy for me to satisfy myself with. You’re my closest Pokemon partner, and my precious lover. No matter how many human girls I go out with, or even if I fall in love with one, no one can ever replace you.” Ashley’s big blue eyes stare back at you dewy with emotion. “Thank you Master… that’s why I’m forever yours.” With that confirmation you press yourself against her backside and enter her. You and your Pokemon become one with joined moans of ecstasy. Then you start to move, sliding forward and backward, supported from below by soft red cushions of a healthy booty. You lean forward letting your face nuzzle into her back between her shoulder blades. You can feel the sweat on her pelt, smell the pleasant aroma of her long hair, hear her moans of pleasure. It almost distracts you from how good you feel inside her! Feeling your limit approaching, you shift the last of your weight forward, brace your knees against the bed, and with your hands grip Ashley’s curvy waist and lift it up into your crotch! It takes most of your strength to maintain this new hungrier position, but before you can decide how to start moving, your Pokemon does it for you. Ashley arches her back and thrusts her butt against you again and again, bringing you both to the point of no return. “Ashley, I can’t… hold back anymore!” “Me… too! I’m glad… we get to finish… together!” The creaking bed springs are completely drowned out by the cries of euphoria that follow as you and your Pokemon make the final movements of love together. It takes seemingly forever for your balls to empty out inside her, but as the last convulsion finishes, the strength in both your legs give out and you and your Blaziken’s back sides fall to the bed in a combined “flump” and a wet “squish!” With the last of your energy, you slide off her back and crawl forward. Ashley’s face is flushed redder than usual, her mouth is open with tongue out panting, and the pillow she was hugging is close to being squeezed in half! You nuzzle up to her and kiss her on the mouth. She finally lets go of the pillow and puts her arms around you, guiding you into her fluffy chest. There you both enjoy the afterglow and each other’s presence. “Aren’t you glad now that I came back early?” you ask managing a sly smile through your exhaustion. She doesn’t answer, but after a spell of silence she mumbles: “Master… when you said earlier that I would look good in a wedding dress… were you teasing, or did you mean it?” “I meant it sweetie,” you answer with another kiss on her curved beak. Ashley’s body grows warm again betraying her emotions. “Hmm… let’s get some sleep Master… you’ve had a long day and need your rest… I’ll stay right here beside you tonight.” You close your eyes and put an arm around her fluffy neck. “I know you will, thanks girl.” End I was hatching Torchics for a new team on Pokemon Moon the other day and feeling a little sentimental (Blaziken being my favorite Pokemon), and I realized it'd been a while since I drew my girl Ashley. Also I was craving booty... Thus a new pinup was born! Safe version. Hope I caught everyone in the mood for some spicy cheeks and drumsticks too. Hope you all enjoy ^_^

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