Colorful Text and Buttons
- Background when opening a New Tab is a Vintage 1950's Chrysler Plymouth. - Tabs and Bars are a subtle and calming gray. - Bookmark Text is a vibrant red, making your favorite websites names easier to read and harder to overlook. - Tab Text Color : Name of chosen Tab/Page is a bold blue and grabs your attention while the opened background tabs are a very dark blue. - Buttons are a fun brightish green that can't be missed even if you tried. This is my first Chrome Theme I have created and I would love to make more Themes and go more in depth on detail in future creations. Constructive Feedback on my Themes are always welcomed and appreciated. If you are an experienced Developer/Theme Creator, I would love to hear from you. I would be very thankful if you could teach and/or show me some Tips & Tricks for theming, *** Want a custom theme? Feel free to contact me! *** Contact Info Email: CupCakeKing3000@gmail.com