#8 - Spiralling Upwards

Published on 2012-06-24 08:36:25

Copyright not intended, artwork credit goes to the artist. Sorry that it has took some time to make a new theme. I seem to get problems trying to upload certain images, it just freezes up. <strong>Request:</strong> You can request by adding a comment below or by messaging me at http://checkered-ties-and-alibis.tumblr.com/ <strong>Feedback:</strong> I would also appreciate any feedback and any improvements I need to work on... I haven't seen if my themes works on any other computer that is 1600 x 900. The size I had to make was freakishly large compared to the original resolution, so please tell me if there is anything wrong! <strong>Original:</strong> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=15900404 *Please tell me if this counts as nudity/ adult content or not! If it is, I'll delete it immediately.

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