This Theme was created during the Night between the 1st (Sun.) and the 2nd (Mon.) of July 2012. I've started with the Idea of "Spring", but ending with a Idea of "Summer". ('X So, the Toolbar's Background is a Pic' I've dropped on Google Images (Search Tag : 森; "Forest" in Japanese). I've resized the Pic' for have a Image of a "1280 x 40" Pixels of Resolution. "1280" is the Size (to Left from Right) of my Netbook (Laptop)'s Monitor. "40" is the Size (from Up to Down) of the Google Chrome's Toolbar. The New Tab Page's Background is a Pic' of the TV Anime "[Love Hina]". The Frame's Overlay is a "Picto'" from the "FanKit" of [Wakfu], the 3rd French MMO from ANKAMA (after [Dofus] and [Arena] -formerly "Dofus Arena" during the French "Betâ-Test"). I've take the Colors from the Website "Code-Couleur.com", a French Site who proposes : -Many Hundreds of Colours (256, I think....) -For each Colour, the French Name, a Sample (of the Colour), and the Hexadecimal/RVB (RGB)/CMJN/TSL Code. Eg. : Abricot (Apricot) - COLOUR - #E67E30 (Hexa') - 230 | 126 | 48 (RGB) - 0 | 45 | 95 | 10 (CMJN) - 26 | 78 | 55 (TSL) Here are the Colours I've used for this Google Chrome's Theme : Frame [582900] (Brown) Frame Inactive [FEFEE2] (Off White) Frame Incognito [723E64] (Bishop Violet) Frame Incognito Inactive [FEBFD2] (Candy Pink) Toolbar [AFAFAF] (Steel Grey) Tab Text [7F7F7F] (Grey Iron) Tab Background Text [606060] (Grey) Bookmark Text [000010] (Black Charcoal) New Tab Page Text [000000] (Black) Button Background Alpha : Max. (All Right) (Tints) Buttons [183A1D] (Some Kind of "Black Green") (Tints) Background Tab (inactive) [BCD1E1] (Some Kind of "Light Blue") So, it's all, thanks for read all this Description, and thanks very much for try my Theme. I Hope You enjoy It ! //(^3^)//