Theme for Fleet Ops, 2.0 (AERO)
This is v2.0 of my Google Chrome theme for Fleet Operations. This time it has the AERO Win7 style enabled. The fonts are made to mimic the color of the font on the main Fleet Ops. website. The new tab image is compiled from different elements used on their site aswell. The ideal resolution is still 1366x768, but It will work for others Just not as well. Contact me on the forums if you need a different resolution, or search the modding section for the thread for this theme. Someone might have already requested your resolution. Please respect the FO logos which may be a copyright of the FO team, aswell as all Star Trek logos which are trademarks of paramount. Their main site is found at http://www.fleetops.net/home.html The Thread I mentioned can be found here http://www.fleetops.net/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,3/topic,7348.0/