Movie classics
Published on 2016-05-16 01:15:49
Shaw Shank redemption, Citizen Cane, What about Bob, Brave heart, the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest, Forest Gump, Jaws, Schin dler's list, Ben Hur, Fight club, Amadeus, the empire strikes back, the godfather, Lawrence of Arabia, the wizard of Oz, Indiana Jones, the lost Ark of the Covenant, Rocky, Saving private Ryan, Rain Man, Dr. Strangelove, Apocalypse now, Dark knight, 2001 a space odyssey, E.T.
Dark Knight
the godfather
The Empire Strikes Back
Dr. Strangelove
Shaw Shank redemption
Citizen Cane
What about Bob
Brave heart
the one that flew over the cuckoo's nest
Forest Gump
Schindler's list
Ben Hur
Fight club
Lawrence of Arabia
the wizard of Oz
Indiana Jones
the lost Ark of the Covenant
Saving private Ryan
Rain Man
Apocalypse now
2001 a space odyssey