Elsword Season 2
Published on 2016-12-06 16:48:49
Elsword Season 2: New Characters!!! Ara: An material artist who fight with a spear and bonded with a Fox Sprit named Eun to save her brother Aran. Elesis: The older sister of Elsword and The Red-Haired Knight of Velder who wields the Claymore. Add: an yandere genius of mechanics and controls his personal Nasod weapons: The Nasod Dynamos who he uses to search the Nasod Queen, Eve. Lu/Ciel: Lu is a demon princess who known for her Magic Ganulets lost her title by traitorous Demons and Ciel is a badass hitman who assassinate his enemies with Gunblades. Eventually The Duo meets each other in Lanox when Demons arrvies to invade Elrios.