Hanji Zoe
Hey Everyone! Here's a theme of Hanji Zoe from the anime Attack on Titan. Please click the like button, It wont kill you (although Hanji might...). Rate it, Share it, and give me suggestions of what you'd like to see! Also! Check out Tsunami's themes. She and I are starting a monthly competition, beginning tonight. Each month, both of us will make a theme specifically for this competition, (we'll continue making other themes too, just these two will be specifically for the competition, no others!) and at the end of each month, whichever theme has more users will declare the victor and which of us gets an undetermined victory prize, which could very well be bragging rights...or maybe ice cream...that sounds good too... ANYWAY, bragging rights and ice cream aside, I hope you guys use my theme, and don't forget to check out Tsunami's theme for the competition at: http://www.themebeta.com/node/64440 Honestly pick which one you like more, that's why the link's there! (A dishonest victory means we can't have bragging rights!)[alright, NOW bragging rights are aside.] --Guryak