Shining Armor Theme
Shining Armor From MLP FiM Theme. Features: Shining Armor as theme wallpaper. Shining Armor's Cutie mark as a banner on the left side of the toolbar. Frame is a color in Shining armor's Mane (#1DABD1). Back, Forward, Refresh and Home buttons are same color as (#1DABD1). Background tab color is a color in Shining Armor's Mane (#19339E). The top right buttons are a color in Shining Armor's Mane (#202C61FF). The font colors are White and Black, White in background tab and Apps on the App Page, and black on main Tab and Bookmarks. Syabatron Watermark on the bottom right corner. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment below if you have any questions or want me to make you a custome Pokemon or My Little Pony theme. :)