Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane Reading Music
What we have here is the human version for one of the bird characters from an online otome PC game 'Hatoful Boyfriend'. A young 16 year old man who goes by the name ‘Sakuya le bel Shirogane’ was raised in a rich holdhold by his parents and his butler. Sakuya was always taught differently from the rest of the birds. He was also taught to always stay a noble fantail and to always look down on those who are less fortunate than himself. He is half French and half Japanese, but was born and raised in France for most of his life. One day, his father decided to enroll him into one of the top schools in Japan which he will soon be a student in ‘St. Pegionation Institute’. As time progress, despite him doing very well in his classes, he has only one passion and that is, music. Sakuya always have a passion for music, especially when it comes to the classical era. Sakuya even takes the time to play piano in his music class alone whenever he can. After all, such a noble like himself can become a musician...right?