Mobile Suit Gundam 00 (機動戦士ガンダム00(ダブルオー) Kidō Senshi Gandamu Daburu Ō?, Mobile Suit Gundam Double-O) is an anime TV series, the eleventh incarnation of Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise consisting of two seasons. It is directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Yun Kōga. The twenty-five episode season was officially announced by Sunrise during a 15-second trailer on June 2, 2007. The series aired on the Mainichi Broadcasting System and Tokyo Broadcasting System from October 5, 2007 to March 29, 2008. On July 13, 2008, a trailer announcing a second twenty-five episode season was aired. The second season began on October 5, 2008 and concluded on March 29, 2009. A movie sequel was released on DVD & Blu-ray on December 25, 2010 in Japan. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the first Gundam series to be animated in widescreen and in high-definition, as well as the first to be set in the non-fictional Anno Domini era. The series is set in a futuristic Earth and is centered on the exploits of the fictional paramilitary organization Celestial Being and its efforts to rid the world of war and conflict with a series of unique and extremely advanced mobile suits known as "Gundams".