Frozen Elsa HD(resize)
A theme showing Elsa from Disney award-winning film 'Frozen'. Taken from a high resolution image to avoid problems of stretching or blurring. Simple, clear, easily readable text with a great background. Another higher resolution version is available here: http://www.themebeta.com/node/88277 I recently watched the film (I know, a little late), and now I can't get it out of my head, so I decided to make this theme. NOTE: I'm currently in a bit of a Frozen mood, so a request along those lines would probably be answered quite quickly <!--break--> Most of my themes are currently made for the same resolution. If the picture seems stretched or has parts that are blank, or if you would like one made with a different resolution, I may be able to do that for you. Leave a comment about anything, or e-mail at this address: guido_spam@hotmail.com (don't be put off by the name, I do still check it) I make on request. Within reason. If I'm free