Australian Pleistocene
Imagine traveling back in time to the Pleistocene Epoch of Australia. There would be a lot of giant animals living in Australia. You can find them in New Guinea and Tasmania; which they were connected to the Australian continent during the Pleistocen Epoch. They would be totally a different place than it was from the past to the present day. Australia would look odd compared to the rest of the world due to its environment and megafauna. It would also look like an alien planet as well. You can find giant wombats called Diprotodon, giant lizards called Megalania Prisca (related to the Komodo dragon), giant kangaroos, Killer carnivorous kangaroos, Marsupial version of a lion called Thylacoleo Carnifex, giant birds that are herbivores and etc. The animals that are mammals would be different because they will have babies showing out from their pouches; coming out of the mother's body from development. They will act like the similar mammals that we know of.