Flandre & Remilia Scarlet (Scarlet Sisters)
This Chrome theme includes a very kawaii picture of Flandre and Remilia together for it's base, a frame that shows off the colors of Flandre's wings very nicely, and blood-colored (or as close to blood as the color selector would let me choose) text and status bar. This is my first Chrome theme! I had fun making it. This all started when I found the perfect picture of Remilia and Flandre on another theme, but, the colors were more of a brownish red, and they were not identical to blood enough. What are the Scarlet Sisters without blood?! Sad and dehydrated, that's what! XD The Chrome theme I had in mind while making this also had an very colorful picture of Flandre's wings for the frame, and I LOVE <3 colors, but, I wished I could have seen more of Flandre's face in it, so, I tried my best to have her wings and Flandre included in the frame, and I think the picture I used did a pretty good job at that, hmm? Overall, I like the way this theme turned out, and am using it now. The only two things I regret is that sometimes the buttons are hard to see and the text at the end of the status bar (click to open downloads page, blah blah blah) blends in to the bar so you can not see it. Otherwise, i'm proud of this Chrome theme! So, please download, and enjoy looking at Flandre and Remilia's kawaii-loli faces whenever you open a new tab or your apps!