Fate/Grand Order
is a light novel based on the world of Fate / stay night by the developer Type-Moon, written by Yûichirô Higashide and illustrated by Ototsugu Konoe. The first chapter of the novel was published on December 15, 2011 in the seventh edition of Type-Moon Ace magazine. The first novel was released on December 29, 2012, during the Comiket 83. It is the main female protagonist. This is Joan of Arc, the great heroine of France in the Middle Ages. During the events of Fate / Apocrypha, she was invoked by the Great Grail as a mediator in the war that was about to be fought. Due to her condition as Santa, she is invoked as Ruler, which gives her absolute control over the servants that were invoked in that war. Being a Ruler, she remains neutral in the development of the battles, and at the same time, she tries to discover the reason for which she was invoked. Given her special condition, she had to incarnate in the body of a young girl named Leticia, who bears a strong resemblance to her.The real name of Avenger is Jeanne d'Arc (Alter), also known as Jeanne Alter, The altered version of Jeanne d'Arc. Although designated as Alter, it does not mean that it is a different aspect of Jeanne d'Arc. A Jeanne of revenge that Gilles de Rais, the French army marshal who mourned the death of Jeanne d'Arc, manufactured by means of the Holy Grail shortly after the execution of Jeanne in 1431. As a Heroic Spirit that is exactly the opposite At the appropriate Jeanne, she is manifesting in the Avenger class."If God is sure of existing, then surely divine retribution will find me." -Jeanne Alter