Mushoku Tensei
Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu is a Japanese web novel written by Rifujin na Magonote, originally published on the Shōsetsuka ni Narō website between November 22, 2012 and April 3, 2015. A series of light novels began publication on January 23, 2014 under Media Factory's MF Books label with illustrations by a Pixiv user named ShiroTaka. A manga adaptation with art by Yuka Fujikawa began serialization in the June 2014 issue of Monthly Comic Flapper, and a Shoko Iwami spin-off has been published on Kadokawa's ComicWalker site since December 2017. An anime adaptation by Studio Bind was announced for the year 2020, but due to the pandemic it was postponed to January 10, 2021,Roxy migurdia A demon of the Migurdia species known for its telepathy, blue hair, youthful appearance, and longevity. Since she cannot use her telepathy, she leaves her village because she feels isolated from her companions. Unable to earn a steady living as an adventurer, she becomes a traveling tutor and eventually becomes Rudeus's teacher.