A post-apocalyptic theme based upon the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise. The small piece of metal traveled through the air and landed on the ground with a silent thud. Immediately the area was filled with a bright, blue light, as small lighting bolts shot up into the air. A figure calmly watched the light show, and took a small device from his belt. After pressing some buttons the device started to beep loudly. A grin formed on the mans face – an Artifact was near. The person took some more iron bits from a small bag on his belt as he took a few steps back. He prepared quietly as failure would result a painful death. A few seconds passed, and the Stalker threw another piece of metal, while starting to run. Swoosh – the lighting went off as the man sailed through the air, right over the glowing bolt. After landing the man let out a small laugh and took out the beeping device. He started to slowly turn around, all the while listening for louder beeps. At one moment he hit jackpot – the device became louder. Every step forward and the device went louder and louder, faster and faster, up to the moment when it turned into a nonstopping sound. At the moment the man calmly extended his arm and grabbed for something. At first there was nothing, but then a large, rock like thing appeared, that seemed to glow from the inside. Our Stalker turned around, made the jump over the Anomaly again and began his way back to the Bar, all the while thinking about the uses of the money he'll get from the Barkeep.