Zekrom Legendary Treasures
Published on 2020-03-14 17:01:31 by Matthew Weston, Promoted
Pokemon Legendary Treasures, Screen saver changes images every hour. Images are from the Legendary Treasures Pokemon Card Set. The art of the entire set is amazing! I do not own Pokemon or any of the official work, including artwork. Gamefreak, Nintendo, and Pokemon International Company own Pokemon and all of it's contants, including Characters and Artwork. This Screen Saver does not break any Copyright law, as it falls under protection of DMCA. This is a review and critique of the art work and my thoughts on it, and I am not claiming to own any of it. Because it is put together in such a way, and my opinions on the matter are part of this work as a whole, it is protected by DCMA.

Matthew Weston
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