Game of Thrones Dragons

Published on 2024-12-03 18:56:39 by Come Love, Promoted

The Game of Thrones dragons are the real stars of the show and the most memorable heroes. The dragons appeared during the season 1 finale, following the death of Daenerys husband Khal Drogo. Daenerys was given three eggs by Illyrio Mopatis, a merchant prince in the city of Pentos in Essos, to commemorate her marriage to Drogo. She keeps these eggs always close by, eventually placing them on Drogo’s funeral pyre following his death. Ignoring the pleas of Ser Jorah Mormont, she walks into the blaze herself, leaving Jorah to presume her dead. Instead, the next morning, she appears unscathed from the embers of the fire with three baby dragons clinging to her, named Drogon, Rhaegal, and Visierion. Drogon is the dragon that Daenerys herself rides. He is black and red and named after her late husband Khal Drogo, and he goes with Daenerys from his birth to the end. Rhaegal, the Daenerys nephew, the green and bronze dragon, is the Daenerys oldest brother, and in a season 7 flashback confirms that Jon Snow is his son. He dies in season 8, killed by Euron Greyjoy during a battle at Dragonstone when Greyjoy pierces both Rhaegal chest and wing with scorpion bolts. Bleeding fatally, Rhaegal falls from the sky into the ocean below. Viserion, who is cream and gold, is named after Viserys, Danaerys other older brother. He is the first of the dragons to die during a battle beyond the Wall in season 7 when Daenerys and her dragons fly north to aid Jon Snow in his fight against the Night King. The Night King fatally wounds Visierion with an ice spear, stabbing him through the neck, and he crashes from the sky into a frozen lake. Later, his corpse is dragged out of the water by wights, and he is resurrected by the Night King, becoming an ice dragon. This version of Visierion dies in season 8 when Arya kills the Night King.

Come Love

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