Greatness of Dragon
Did you know that the Dragon is very majestic and admirable? Look at him, how he is attractive with his strength and agility, by his wisdom and dedication, and the beauty of the multiple colours that cover his body in flight. The dragon is a magical legendary creature that appears in the folklore of multiple cultures worldwide and, holds a special place in the world of mythical beasts. At first, the dragon appeared as a snake, then evolved into a flying, fire-breathing monster that terrorizes us and sometimes charms us with its power and wisdom. He has been described according to region. In Western cultures since the High Middle Ages, the dragon has been described as winged, horned, and capable of breathing fire. In Eastern cultures, the dragon has been described as a wingless, four-legged, serpentine creature with above-average intelligence. The common elements of dragon traits are reptilian, mammalian, and avian traits. But, to this day, the dragon is so admirable, majestic, and loved by us from young to old, aren't they?

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