Shinobu Oshino was a powerful 500-year-old vampire named Kissshot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade, but now her appearance is that of an eight-year-old girl, because her powers are diminished.Shinobu is A beautiful woman with yellow eyes, with long blond hair, whose tips curl out. During the series, she has had several changes in her appearance as she recovers her vampire powers. In Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, Shinobu is seen with a more childish form, with a loose dress, a pair of sandals and an aviator hat as an accessory (in Bakemonogatari). At the end of Nisemonogatari, she appears as a girl in her teenage years, tying her hair in a ponytail and wearing a black shirt inside a purple jacket, a black skirt and black stockings. Throughout the series is identified with different names, each representing an important time in his life since it was not always the same. The names used are: Lola Original name of birth, when I was a human. Acerola Name that she gives herself after the events of "Beautiful Princess". Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade Her vampire name also includes the two previous names she had: Acerola / Lola (Lola is pronounced Rora in Japanese because they do not have the letter "L" as such), this name was given by the legendary vampire Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide-Master . Shinobu Oshino Shinobu, in Japanese means "Heart under the edge", referencing a part of its previous name: Heart-Under-Blade. The name "Oshino Shinobu" was given to her by Meme Oshino after she stopped being "Kissshot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade" because she did not have an identity of her own, since then and until now she is called with her new name